Engel Volkers Buyer and Seller Guide Dallas Texas - Manual / Resource - Page 46
E n g E l & Vö l k E r s | DA l l A s F O r T WO r T H
E n g E l & Vö l k E r s P r I VAT E O F F I C E
Premium global property
sales and advisory services
“Building success locally and globally. We represent a range of
project pro昀椀les and price points, all designed to meet buyer
tastes and trends.”
Engel & Völkers Development services was set up
specifically to support the distinct needs of builders,
developers and investor partners around the world. This
dedicated division is staffed by teams of local experts on
five continents who collectively represent over 400
projects from townhome communities to mixed use highrise buildings.
• Identifying, understanding and optimising your project
goals with supportive research.
• Using insights and experience to envision and build the
products that customers demand.
• Attracting and motivating target buyers locally and in
key feeder markets.
The services we offer are tailored to the market and to each
real estate development project’s needs and specifications.
While your project may not require every service, our
involvement as early in the process as possible provides the
greatest benefit.
• supporting and refining the customer journey through
tracking and analytics.
• Visit www.evrealestate.com/developments to view our
latest new developments and communities.